Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Children Book Store

So, I'm thinking about opening up a Children Book store in Chicago, on the Westside of course, I love reading and I want all children to love to read, especially mines since they are my children.
Besides that, we don't have any book stores or children book store in Chicago, that I'm aware of.

I would like to bring something positive into my neighborhood, something for children to learn and educate themselves with. My bookstore will have other things going on besides books, I'm still working on that part, but I do know that I want a bookstore.

What I need to do now is plan for it, see where I can get the money to fund it and all that good stuff:-) I'm thinking very hard about this and I'm very serious about this business, watch yall will see how serious I am.

Anyway, I'm get back to yall about this later, I just wanted to share my thoughts:-)

Talk 2 ya later!


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