Saturday, November 15, 2008

8 Reasons to Read Daily!

Greetings Parents, I would like to give you 8 Great Reasons to Read with Your Child Every Day!

(1) To improve your child's listening skills and attention span.

(2) To share stories and ideas with one another.

(3) To broaden your child's world. When you read together, children can understand and enjoy books written above their independent reading level.

(4) To exchange ideas and opinions as you discuss the story together.

(5) To present reading as a pleasurable experience your child will want to do alone.

(6) To introduce your child to a variety of subjects, authors, and illustrators.

(7) To build your child's vocabulary.

(8) To increase your child's sense of security, safety, and confidence.

Parents, please read to your child at least 30min a day and if you have teenagers encourage them to read also.

Peace & Blessings,
Pretty Brown Sistah

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